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Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Learn basic concepts behind Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), including key functions and process flow.

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About this course

This course covers the basics behind deep learning and neural networks, and how they fit in the larger field of data science. The first lesson covers the evolution of data science and how advances in that field led to deep learning.  Get a review of basic ML concepts and topics, then learn about the 3 key functions of an artificial neural network. Finally, learn about some popular deep learning algorithm options and frameworks, and a variety of industry use cases.

What's covered

What is Deep Learning?
  • Data science: evolution, differentiation, and terms
  • Deep learning and hidden layers
  • Key functions of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Activation functions
  • Deep learning algorithms and frameworks
  • Industry use cases

Curriculum20 min

About this course

This course covers the basics behind deep learning and neural networks, and how they fit in the larger field of data science. The first lesson covers the evolution of data science and how advances in that field led to deep learning.  Get a review of basic ML concepts and topics, then learn about the 3 key functions of an artificial neural network. Finally, learn about some popular deep learning algorithm options and frameworks, and a variety of industry use cases.

What's covered

What is Deep Learning?
  • Data science: evolution, differentiation, and terms
  • Deep learning and hidden layers
  • Key functions of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Activation functions
  • Deep learning algorithms and frameworks
  • Industry use cases

Curriculum20 min

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