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What are Mirrors?

Learn how mirrors work in a Data Fabric cluster, including local and remote mirrors, and how to set up mirrors to support disaster recovery.

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About this course

This course begins with the basics of mirrors, covering how they work and discussing the different types of mirrors. The next lesson covers creating local and remote mirrors in a Data Fabric cluster, using both the Managed Control System (MCS) or the CLI. The course conclude s by providing essential information on using remote mirrors for disaster recovery.

What's covered

How mirrors work

  • Basics of mirror volumes
  • Snapshots vs. mirrors
  • Mirror operations and characteristics

Local and remote mirrors

  • Types of mirrors
  • Create local mirror volumes
  • Benefits of remote mirrors
  • Cascading mirrors

Use remote mirrors for disaster recovery

  • 3 main disaster recovery steps
  • How to configure remote mirrors for each step
  • Mirror frequency and scheduling
  • Fail-over to remote mirrors
  • Preserving source volumes

Curriculum23 min

About this course

This course begins with the basics of mirrors, covering how they work and discussing the different types of mirrors. The next lesson covers creating local and remote mirrors in a Data Fabric cluster, using both the Managed Control System (MCS) or the CLI. The course conclude s by providing essential information on using remote mirrors for disaster recovery.

What's covered

How mirrors work

  • Basics of mirror volumes
  • Snapshots vs. mirrors
  • Mirror operations and characteristics

Local and remote mirrors

  • Types of mirrors
  • Create local mirror volumes
  • Benefits of remote mirrors
  • Cascading mirrors

Use remote mirrors for disaster recovery

  • 3 main disaster recovery steps
  • How to configure remote mirrors for each step
  • Mirror frequency and scheduling
  • Fail-over to remote mirrors
  • Preserving source volumes

Curriculum23 min

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